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Wandering About in the Stacks

The earnest success-oriented student strives to go beyond formal course content.
Use the home page to enter a single keyword or keyphrase to find books to study.
As in professional life, academic life is enhanced by a strong performance ethic,
a continuous cycle of study-learn-work-produce.

If you would like to read my and other's thoughts on this topic, you are welcome to visit the CareerMentor website.

Material for this site's database is mostly derived from indexes provided by the following:

Saylor Books
Textbooks commissioned by Saylor Academy and placed into open-access. They offer a wide range of rigorous college courses. These courses are self-paced independent study and can be taken at no cost to earn a completion certificate.
Directory of Open-Access Books
Provides their complete index of open-access books so that it can be employed by applications such as this.
Open Textbook Library
Provides their complete index of open-access books so that it can be employed by applications such as this.
British Columbia Electronic Library Network
Provides their complete index of open-access books so that it can be employed by applications such as this.

Construction of this website benefits from the following:

A great source for researching answers to subtle technical questions.
Data Entry Webapp
Demonstrates a means of using Python/Flask for data entry.
Data Entry Webapp
Demonstrates a means of using Python/Flask for data entry.
Python/Flask Tutorial
An excellent Python/Flask tutorial. Shows how to set up a tabbed webpage.
Python/Flask Tutorial
An excellent Python/Flask tutorial. Shows how to set up a tabbed webpage.
How to Browser fix Error ERR CONNECTION
A very clear video tutorial on how to deal with connection-refused errors while developing and testing Python/Flask code.
In my case, I was able to fix the error by following the instructions up through 1:20 in the video. The reset was not necessary.
HTML Tutorial
Well laid-out HTML reference.
SQLite Tutorial
SQLite is used as the database management system in this application.
Learned a lot from this tutorial.
Python/Flask Tutorial
Patiently leads the newcomer through the basic principles of developing active websites.
Avoids the complication of additional webform libraries. This is a great place to start.
Internet Search Capability
In my personal opinion: The internet is 95% garbage. Google Advanced Search help get to the needle in the haystack.
Learn Python Programming
Overall, a fine tutorial on Python. Elementary to advanced. Goes into a lot of detail on specific topics.
Learn Python Programming
Overall, a fine tutorial on Python. Elementary to advanced. Goes into a lot of detail on specific topics.
Python Tutorial
Another fine tutorial on Python. Elementary to advanced. Goes into a lot of detail on specific topics.
Python Programming Language
Yet another fine tutorial on Python. Elementary to advanced. Goes into a lot of detail on specific topics.
Working with CSV Files in Python
It was necessary to parse a csv file to create a searchable database.
Python has particular capability for doing just that.
Python/SQLite Tutorial
Learned a lot from this tutorial. It was possible to readily create and employ an SQLite database in Python.
Configuring PyCharm Community Edition
Used PyCharm Community Edition (PCE) to work on this code. However, PCE does not appear to directly support Flask-based projects
This website tries to explain how to configure PCE appropriately. But, I found the instruction to be very confusing.
What I did was to have PCE build a new project and include a sample
The project and environment were put into seperate directories.
Then I used Run/Edit-Configurations to add the following variables:
* FLASK_ENV : development